Community Action Development Allentown
Community Action Development Allentown, a subsidiary of Community Action Lehigh Valley, elevates and empowers residents by actively promoting neighborhood revitalization, which strengthens the neighborhood economy, improves the quality of life and is inclusive of all residents.
CADA has completed the fourth year of the Allentown’s Core neighborhood Partnership Program, which has a specific focus of supporting youth serving community partners and opportunities for youth engagement.

​Director: Daniel Bosket
Email: dbosket@caclv.org
CADA Community Organizer: Jessenia Dominguez
523-525 N 7th Street, Allentown
Hablamos español.
In 2023-2024, we sponsored multiple "college-readiness" offerings for high school students, including:
-Summer Bridge Academic Reset Workshop
-College Application & Essay Bootcamp
-SAT Prep for the Gen Next William High School cohort
-College engagement event for first-year matriculating students
We organized a college tour for 25 potential first-generation college students, visiting the University of Maryland – Baltimore, Morgan State, and Howard University. Each tour was led by current students at the respective campuses. 
We provided technical assistance to 12 student entrepreneurs to help develop their business ideas and secure necessary resources, with support from adult business mentors. 
We partnered with Allentown Police Department for the 10th year of the Youth Academy, engaging 63 middle school students from Allentown in a 5-week program exploring law enforcement careers. 

Allentown Youth Partnerships:
We continued the After Zone initiative in the Allentown School District with programs at various schools:  
- Podcasting with 13 students at Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays Elementary School
- Cheerleading with 45 students at Central Elementary School
Flag Football camp and tournament with 10 students at Bldg21
- 8-week after-school program with 65 students featuring arts, dance, poetry, podcasting, music, and video production, culminating in a public recital in collaboration with Fine Feather Foundation at Trexler Middle School
- We collaborated with the Freedom School Partnership to continue the James Lawson Freedom School at 2 sites which collectively enrolled 68 youth and served to mitigate the “summer slide” by utilizing a researched, multicultural, activity-based curriculum.
- We partnered with the Fine Feather Foundation and Lehigh Valley Arts and Cultural Alliance to conduct an 8-week summer camp for 65 youth which featured arts, dance, vocal workshops, field trips, podcasting, music and video production and activities at Camp Fowler.
- We created the “Spirit of Freedom” mural at 31 South 9th Street in collaboration with the Lehigh Valley Arts and Cultural Alliance. The mural concept was created by students from the 2023 summer camp.
Community Events:
- We assisted multiple community partners to provide community events and youth activities reaching over 5,000 residents.
- We continued supporting innovative anti-violence efforts led by Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley, with staff responding to over 50 incidents of violence and providing follow-up services and referrals to victims and their families.
YOU can help us support the youth in Center City Allentown! By supporting Community Action Development Allentown, you’re strengthening our neighborhood outreach to students and families. You’re helping us continue to grow and realize the full potential of Allentown’s youth.  

community and government resources AT CADA:
Neighborhood Health Centers of the Lehigh Valley
Drop in times: Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00pm with Walesca Torres
COMPASS Services/applications provided:
Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
SNAP card (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
Cash Assistance
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Title 20 (Education)
Long Care Services
Representative Joshua Segal's office
Drop in times: Thursdays from 11:00am - 3:00pm with Bryan
​Services provided:
State road conditions
SEPTA Senior bus passes
Information on assistance with higher education
Birth certificate applications
Requests for all types of literature
Citations from the PA House of Representatives for outstanding local accomplishments and family milestones​
Senator Nick Miller's office
Drop in times: First Thursday of every month from 9:00am - 12:00pm
State applications:
Vehicle Registration, Driver's License, special tags, titles, car plates
Higher education financial assistance
Birth certificates
Notary Publics
Senior Citizen Applications:
PACE (Program All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly: Medicare- and Medicaid-covered services)
Property tax and rent rebates
State Issues:
State income taxes
State lottery
Consumer protection
Unemployment compensation
Utilites or PUC (Public Utility Commission)
State agencies that serve the public